letter, life, philosophy


In the depths of pain, salvation emerges through written words Dear Blishé, And the rain reminded me of you. Before you laugh at that, let me tell you, I know you don't like rain. Or that, you don't like it in the complete sense of liking things. Unlike your complete aversion to the grey and… Continue reading LETTER TO BLiSHÉ – V

life, poetry, prose


Waking up from a dream or slipping into another? And the night is a reflection of dead thoughts. I put my ear to the pillow to shut out the sound and listen to the gibberish of the dead. They come slowly and gush into my ear with such virility that my ears become a toy… Continue reading THE NiGHT

life, philosophy, poetry


Words falling off from the tower of memories And the silverfish whispered to the man, its voice dripping with darkness, if he had ever devoured the bitter essence of words. The man, haunted by a deep, consuming passion, exhaled long breaths of despair and surrendered to his fate. He implored the pest to await him… Continue reading THE TOWER OF MEMORiES

FICTION, life, poetry, prose


Darling, And you know why I write to you, you have all the answers? Did you read my last letter? Did you then throw it in the furnace, as was done to those that were the carrier of bad tidings?  My letter was just a soulful moan; a heartfelt whine. You know Blishé, how I… Continue reading LETTER TO BLiSHÉ – IV

philosophy, POEM, poetry, prose


And the owl was privy to the affairs of the night. Nursing an unhinged head, it was the only witness under the moon's milky light. *** A hand covered in dust, dirt and time sneaked in from the window. Certainly, to commit a heinous crime, the hand had come alone like a widow. It grasped… Continue reading NiGHTMARE

life, poetry, Sprituality


And just keep that distance from me. I am travelling deep into me. With words of no farewell, I may never come to be. I have tested time and the thing they call fate. I have known what's love and that its mirror is called hate. I have wasted a lot on life, passion and… Continue reading SAMADHi

Delirium, poetry, prose


My love, And before I ask if you still remember me, tell me did you ever forget me? Be honest.What else should I think, I am ruined for life. You don't write letters to me anymore. You don't laugh with that little tilt of your head anymore. You remember, dear Blishé, don't you? I told… Continue reading LETTER TO BLiSHÉ – III

life, philosophy, poetry, prose


And the blind man moved enthusiastically, unafraid through the speeding, morning traffic. The horns honked and the shouts played, but, nothing could get to his stubborn head. He appeared unhurt on the other side. Little did he know of the end that waited for him. He had gone there to meet his lover, and then… Continue reading THE MAN FROM TiME



And the wind that so solemnly tried to grasp the fragrance from the dying embers of the wood was pushed to the ground beneath the heat of the fume by incessant tears from the passing clouds. The clouds like desert cacti transpired freely on the bloom of spring. The agenda was simple, the cry was… Continue reading THE BATTLE

life, POEM, poetry


And the slayer stands amidst the offal of his ruins.The intruders were very many, and he had to battle them all alone. With his every breath, the army of prowlers was proliferating profusely. "There is no escape now", he thought and gave in to the zombie apocalypse. Just then like a time bomb, he burst… Continue reading DECiMATiON